Hospital Service Monitoring and Strengthening Section

1.To assist MoHP by law, policy, guidance, quality standard, protocol formulation regardinghospital strengthening,
2.To assist MoHP for Development of co-operation between private and public healthinstitution for effective health care service by formulating law, policy, strategy and criteria,
3.To facilitate the registration, renewal and regulation of the specialized and tertiary levelhospitals,
4.To assist MoHP for development of national policy, strategies and guidelines regardingregistration upgrade and monitoring of private and non-governmental hospitals, nursinghomes, clinics, polyclinics,
5.Continuous supervision and monitoring of the hospitals for optimum quality service,
6.Management of radiation used in health care sector as per national and internationalstandard,
7.To facilitate for the development and institutionalization of the telemedicine service system,
8.To assist MoHP for the development of health tourism by formulating law, policy, strategies,criteria, protocols,
9.To co-ordinate for development and management of national level study, research andtraining centre,
10.Formulate standard treatment protocol (STP),
11.Develop a drug list and revise according to need,
12.Studying and monitoring of drugs used in different hospital pharmacy and health facilities,
13.Formulation of standard on anti-microbial resistance and
14.Preparation of training materials of rational use of drug and conduct training for healthworkers of various levels.